[Sponsored Review] Previously, I did a review on Biore’s non-rinse makeup remover. Today, I’m going to review on their new and improved A...

[Sponsored Review] Once again, I have the privilege to receive another group of awesome product from the Palmer’s team! In my hands are t...

[Event Invitation] Woke up exceptionally early on Saturday morning to attend a beauty workshop by Singapore’s beauty and wellness celebri...

[Sponsored Post] Did you know that similar to our facial condition of having oily skin and dry zones, otherwise known as ‘Combination Ski...

[Sponsored Post] Truth to be told, I hardly treat myself to any professional facial sessions, mostly just massages and spa. I don’t under...

Extracted from Cacao bean, Cocoa butter is known to be a superfood for skin and widely used in body lotions and moisturizer. Cocoa Butter F...
