As a kid, I was nearly never afraid of anything. I was once the terrorizing kid whom my parents had to constantly be worried about. But as ...

Pronounce as “believe:, B.liv was established in 2009, created to cater to easy-to-use and affordable personal skin care regimen. B.liv...

There’s something intriguing about beach holidays, maybe it’s the gentle waves washing up the shores; creating a gentle lullaby or perha...

Many dreamt of visiting the beautiful Maldives; where the lagoon sparkles in a teal blue shade and the beach a sandy white. Said to be o...

Naturally, I have a tanner skin tone than many friends around me and daily encounters with urban pollutants, plus the catching up of age co...

Created by The Card Game Innovators ; a group of passionate and enthusiastic card game developers who love creating fun and entertainin...

Amidst the hectic adult life, it is always an enjoyment to rewards oneself with a pampering session every now and then. Thank you Samplest...