Twilight - The movie! - Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blog | Adelinesays

Twilight - The movie!

Are you a BIG or the GREATEST fan of the 'Twilight' series or even attracted to vampire world and everything about them? Then you...

Are you a BIG or the GREATEST fan of the 'Twilight' series or even attracted to vampire world and everything about them?

Then you should be attracted to Twilight the movie which will be out on 18 December 2008!

For me, it's practically like the movie of the year. It hard to suppress my excitements! Dec is definitely the most enjoyable month of the year, BF's birthday and mine, the most awesome movie of the year - Twilight (I hope so!) and the ending of a year full of struggles, bad memories, muggings!

Thanks to Nic, I've read the first series already and I'm confirm about getting the whole series! Besides Twilight series, there are other vampire series which are really nice and coool!

The Vampire Diaries Series!

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