mama-day / ICA's / Bf's opts
May 10, 2009Happy mama-day! Love you mama :D
Woke up and went Compass Pt for breakfast with Bf. Didn't knew what to eat so went to try out KFC's breakfast, which totally sucked :/
I suggest they should just stick to their original recipe meals. I was stunned when they placed my meal on the tray, the scrambled egg look noting like scrambled. It looked more of a fry egg chop into tiny pieces? Yea man, that meal was so not satisfying.
Anyway, Bf's still limping around (sighs...) He think he's a burden which isn't true can :/ I wouldn't mind spending rest of my life just to take care of him if he were to turn into a cripple! (touch wood!). If there's no changes in schedules, he should be having his opt on 22th May, I want to be there man :/
I Brought birdnest for mum! (Beams!) Bf brought cake and flowers! Sweet eh :)
I really should stop taking breaks from work anymore, my account's bleeding big hole! No $$ already. On the other hand, there's still ICA's going on.

Star Trek is FAN-TAS-TIC!, actions fully packed.
I like their teleport thingy! I used to detest space ship films. Anything filmed in the space is a NO-NO for me :/
So you can guess it. I never watched Star Wars. But, this movie totally changed my view towards space, it's like so darn cool :D Galaxy is suddenly so beautiful to me and Chris Pine is hot :)))
Controlling a spaceship interest me alot currently, this show is so mind controlling, I think I didn't wink throughout the movie, it's way to captivating! I'm finally getting hold all these boy-ish movies and why guys love space so much :)
Aye Captain! I heard this alot in the show and I love it! But I think if i kept on Aye-ing, I might get beaten to death man. Cause the "Yea man!" thingy is getting my groupies irritating. LOL.
I don't want a car, ship, boat or motor vehicle!
I want to own a spaceship... May I Santa?