Hectic December

Last ICA to go, but it’s not the end yet. Holidays seems near, yet so unreachable. Once holiday sinks in, there will be tons of activities...

Last ICA to go, but it’s not the end yet. Holidays seems near, yet so unreachable.

Once holiday sinks in, there will be tons of activities and events to attend :) Plus, Baby’s leaving for Taiwan on 10 Dec. Sure will miss him like hell!

Christmas celebration, birthdays, anniversaries, countdown party & the ultimate 2-in-1 chalet! Geez, I can feel how chaotic this month is going to be.

So anyways, went Compass library for Stats revision. Of course, Justinlove companied me over :) He did some reading up on fitness book. I’m super duper joyful that he has taken up diploma in sports coaching and perhaps additional fitness instructor course!

Proud of him.

Didn’t remember what was the name of the drink, but it contains cookie and chocolate! This drink is damn awesome; it’s the only thing that managed to keep me alert, facing all those notes.

We had a little movie marathon yesterday, caught ‘Couples Retreat’ when school ends and ‘New Moon’ during the night. I’m still so attracted to the Cullens! Thought like Twilight, this episode also miss out quite a few scenes compared to the book, I found their animations awe-inspiring. The werewolves were amazing!

I kept pestering Baby and telling him the next action that was going to happen; I know I’m a real spoiler :( Sorry Baby, I just can’t help it!

P.S - Saw this kitty on the way back today, reminds me of Oreo. And automatically, Boyboy came to my mind too.

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