Hello Earth

Hello Earthlings, life's a bitch lately. Don't be alarm if you caught a spider crawl across my page, I haven been around lately. I...

Hello Earthlings, life's a bitch lately.
Don't be alarm if you caught a spider crawl across my page, I haven been around lately.
I'm missing GSS and a hell lot more because of school.
I'm practically a cavemen now.

Few weeks ago, I was at the flyer with mum & bro (L).
I'm not really excited about the ride, true enough the scenery was magnificent .
But the curiosity & excitement died really fast.

Dragging my memory a little further back, I joined J boy for a little celebration
with his fellow colleagues!
(I must say, they're all freaking fit can. Look at my thunder thighs. God why you no fair.)

Choya Martini (Y)!
So we had some drinks & peanuts, life was great for a while before project pulled me back
to reality. Sigh.

Okay, I'm getting a little depressed over life (not really), so I'm gonna do a impromptu ending now.
Got to pay a visit to my yoga ball and sweat some fats out.

Ciao lovelies.

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