Let's talk about NUDITY

Oh yeah. That caught your attention didn't it? :) You know, there are many different types of girls in this world. Short, fat, petite,...

Oh yeah. That caught your attention didn't it? :)

You know, there are many different types of girls in this world. Short, fat, petite, pretty, jealousy, tall etc. And out of them all, the one that top my list as a gossip topic will be those slutty ones. Have you ever encounter one? It's a great blessing if your answer is no. But, if yours is a yes, I choose to believe that encounter is one filled with drama, superficial, drunken sessions and probably lots of whining.

Troubles only come to you when you permit it, when you treat every single day of your life as Halloween by dressing up as a trouble magnet (such a joke! seriously). One common issue about slutty girls, they whine a lot. They can go on and on about meeting the wrong guy in her life, how guys only want to get into her pants, cries till their mascara smudge and still not getting a single clue why it happened. Sad, I must say. Her life will always be revolving around the search for true love, but ending up wounding herself. I wish I could say: “Oh, you poor soul!” and give her a few pats on the back. But truly, that will be artificial. No one loves a fake, right? :)


I envy girls will fully grown bodies, honestly I do. Though we all know bosom are partially made up of fats, very developed bosom are well… more fat filled? Anyhow, no matter what size a lady’s bosom are, they are afterall an asset to women. If you’re a super star, strolling along the red carpet wearing a stylish and classy dress, showing off your cleavage, no doubt that’s impressive. 

Demi Lovato - definitely impressive

But if every pictures of hers is a package that comes with cleavage, drunk face, excessive exposure of flesh (no, not in the beautiful way) and weird face angles. That definitely spells Slut. And as if that isn’t bad enough, she decides to take a picture of her wonderful bosom; which we all know is perfectly fine, a girl admiring her asset. What really crossed the line is when she decides that exposure of her asset at entertainment places is not going to satisfy her cravings for men, she proceeds to email her humongous pair of asset to attached guys. Oh yeah, attached.  

Frankly speaking, by now I probably got you all thinking ‘nah, this only happens in drama’. Truth is, there are shameless girls out there who have absolute zero respect for their bodies. It can be contradicting, when one chooses to perform such act and still visits the church and ask for faith from God. I’ve once attend a talk by a professional on personal selling. He states that, “Everyone is a seller by nature, when you attend an interview; you’re actually selling your skills and potentials.” How true indeed, that everyone is a seller by nature. With the use of nudity and the attribute of really thick skin, she certainly is trying hard to sell herself to trouble.

I can see you're really selling hard

So really, why cry when you know what’s coming for you. Why whine, when you asked for it. If a lady simply cannot respect herself, no guys ever would. You can hide behind that happy face; blame everyone for your misfalls. Behind all these, you’re noting but a lonely soul. And this is something worth pitying about.

Ladies should at all times, respect their body. Those who doesn't, need not expect respect from others, despite continuous coverage of truth with lies.

Here's a side note, to everyone who spend time digging into my archives, reading into my life and giving feedbacks. #fanmuch. Thanks :) 

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  1. Hi. I'm just blog hopping. And I would love to contribute my personal opinion on this post's topic. I'm a female myself. No hard feelings please. (English is not my first language, so pardon me.)

    To start off, I believe that if there are girls who want to be loose, by all means, they can do it. It's a matter of self-respect. In fact, it's their own body they are accountable for. However, I seriously hope they have given a thought about the dire consequences.

    Girls have every rights to admire their own bodies, I agree. But just, keep it to yourself. By exposing pictures or the real thing freely in the public or cyberspace is a big no no. Nothing is ever 100% safe.

    And if you did mention.. Emailing nudity pictures of herself to guys who are attached? It really depends on why these girls do such things. The only 2 reasons I can think of is:
    1) For fun and enjoyment. Then again, I seriously wonder what kind of excitement can these girls get in return.
    2) To 'steal' the so-called-heart of the attached guy. It's obvious. One don't simply change their love to another just because of their body. That would be so superficial, isn't it? How can that even be 'love'?
    Some can argue that these girls are probably really in love with the guy, and that's why they resort to such methods. "They are just fighting for their love" you may say. No. That's pure selfishness. Period.

    Like what I mentioned, if a girl is mature enough to make decisions for herself, and wants to be promiscuous, do it. But they should be ashamed of themselves for they have lowered their own value, as a woman. Is that what you want others to view you as, a slut? And how about the family, friends, and relatives of these girls? They will be brought down because of the girl's selfish act as well.

    Just so. Be responsible for yourself. If these girls can handle the possible consequences they may face in future, go for it. I will not support nor will I despise the idea.

    To that, I would like to correct on this one sentence of yours based on my own opinion if I may. "If a lady simply cannot respect herself, no men ever would." The term 'guys' was changed to 'men'. 'Men' as in humankind. :)

