Short weekend

OOTD - Love Bonito's M Shaped Pleated Dress Saturday movie night with the boy - "The Watch". Coincidentally, while ...

OOTD - Love Bonito's M Shaped Pleated Dress

Saturday movie night with the boy - "The Watch". Coincidentally, while I was having test today, he had a course to attend so that left us with only night time to meet up. After days & nights of revisions, nothing beats  watching a comedy film.

But, I'm still tired. Its as if I'm deprived of sleep. (pretty sure I am deprived of sleep actually).

Hello big face!

Rare & happy camho times :D
(p/s. all photos taken by phone)
Ajisen with the girls at AMK Hub yesterday!
Joc's Tom Yan Ramen
My Spicy Cha-Shu Ramen!

Marutama Ra-Men is still my top favourite :)

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