Randomly day
April 28, 2009Hello people!
I'm in fantastic mood today! (Beams!) Well... Except for that little moment this morning, when we were called out of the class cause we didn't attend to our Effective Writing homework :/
You can't exactly. Because we didn't have the textbook, sold off. Days already, yet there was no news of in coming stocks of the textbooks! Maybe we might face few more "Out-of-class" lesssons :/
Joycelyn, Kaiwen, Josanne and Doris, they are so fun to be with :) It's like a group of insane peeps laughing throughout lessons NON-STOP. Got to know that Joy lived at Srg North, so close to me! Can practically jog to her place and come home again :D
I need to diet
I have to diet
It is a must for me to diet!
I'm far way too off the 'Light weight people' shore :(
Maybe I should consider being a vegetarian, munch on all the greens, not bad eh.
But I will have to give up on my M&Ms, munchies and tons lots more, a bit bo hua -.-
So anyway, finally received my attendance card already :( BOO. It means attendance taking is officially taking a step further, which includes serious outcome if not obey :(