Pris 21th, 1st step

Went East Coast for cousin Pris's 21th birthday yesterday :) Times flies, everyone is getting old already, not to mention what age I...

Went East Coast for cousin Pris's 21th birthday yesterday :)

Times flies, everyone is getting old already, not to mention what age I'll be celebrating next year. Sighs :/ I'm kinda deprived of childhood, so may God slow down my aging speed? (Dream on!)

So anyway I'm suppose to be mugging at this time but a little break won't hurt, will it? Yesterday party was crazy! It was like the greatest party scenario I ever faced. The guest list was loooooong and Pris's cake was darn huge can! Bf accompanied me to the party and he, well... mixed well with my relatives, especially the Esther the little and and Barney the hyper little kid! They love him! Haha, Mr Donkey (Inside joke). He manage kids so well, I'm jealous of him! The usual quiet and shy Esther actually played and laugh! Power of donkey LOL!

Before heading to the party, we had lunch at Parkway, meet Bf's cousin, some real funny stuff happen (Grin) Come on baby, just say thanks :DDDD

Everywhere is on sales :/ Bumper bumper bumper.

ICA period please be over soon so I can get back to work and enjoy the season of GSS! My shopping list is so long, I don't think I have enough paper to write somemore. Toilet paper will do the help though :)

Bf just came over at evening, brought bubble tea for my family and Pocky munchies! In addition there was this Dove chocolate biscuit stick. Walau eh, very delicious, shiok!

Thank baby love :)

Thanks for the 1st step out, I love your bravery. My hero always.

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