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Damn. I never once fainted for any past donation session. So how the hell did I faint at blood donation center @ SGH today? It's way too...

Damn. I never once fainted for any past donation session. So how the hell did I faint at blood donation center @ SGH today?

It's way too embarrassing.

Went over to meet Bf, he was having Apheresis donation. His process required addition timing compared to the regular donation. Since he wasn't done when I arrive, I thought might as well give some donation.

Regular procedure, checklist, BP measurement, iron testing and finally the blood. Everything's just like usual, past experience until it ended. Felt a little wobbly, but shake the thought of fainting off since that didn't happen to me once at all.

Darn, I was so darn wrong.

Walk over to refreshment counter, wanted to order hot milo. Ah huh. That's when it all started, black dots covering my sight, my ear went deaf, I was shaking forth and back. Refreshment aunt came to me, heard someone else shouting 'Nurse! She want to faint!' Next, some stretcher lookalike equipment was push to my side, I was carried onto it and push into the donation room. Doctor came to took my BP, he said my BP was rather low. It was actually pretty low when I did my check up before the donation, but now it's even lower.

I seriously can't help it but smile, I'm lost for words.

A senior nurse then went into the Apheresis room and told Bf that I had fainted etc. She told me he was very frantic. And immediately after he finishes the process, he didn't even bother to have a rest and rush to my side.

Touched baby, I love you.

He was so protective of me, worried. I tears when I saw him LOL. then together we took train to Central for lunch. On the way back, as usually train was fully packed like hell, we had to stand. But before it reaches our stop, the 2nd faint came.

Suddenly again dark spot, deaf ears and wobbly leg. Bf immediately alighted at whatever stop it was (Boon Keng). Led me to a sit and let the blood flow to my head. Darn, diet only, so many problem arise :(

Bf went to buy sweet drink to replenish my sugar level and we cabbed back to his house. Started to feel sicky all over, didn't had strength to do anything. He did everything he could for me, cover blanket, ice pack, massage.

Without him, what am I suppose to do?


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