mugging and movies - Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blog | Adelinesays

mugging and movies

:) I've been a real mugger since last night, and will continue to do so. Got to buck up and pull back all that I've lost. Completed ...

:) I've been a real mugger since last night, and will continue to do so. Got to buck up and pull back all that I've lost.
Completed the survey with Alison's help, grateful! Woke up helping dad with chores, stick my head into POA's for hours till I lost track of time. Man, I think I got a hand on this. I think I can.
Meet Bf during afternoon for movie + lunch. Bf's been a strict guide, limiting my diet (Which I believe I've been managing well), I have indeed shed a few weight off the scale and unexpectedly grew! Finally I'm at 170 (Beams).
This height is all I wanted, I don't mind to stop growing. Tsk tsk.

Watch 'Haunting in Connecticut' hmm... creepy and heart wrenching at the same time. Can't believe this a actually a true story, bless the family who had survived this incident. Thank god, it didn't end up with the cancer kid been taken to hell or something.
Some stuff really just can't be explained, mediators are pretty cool people to me, but if the power used is abused and the outcome is horrible. Then, it just ain't cool at all, pure evil?
Credit of the movie stated that this house has been newly rebuilt, no one experience anything anymore. All thanks to the kid and the ghost of the mediator I guess.
After the movie, back to Bf's house and mug my econs.
I'm getting my hands on everything, just a few more week, just a few more session of mugging, just a few more period to tahan. Anything, just for the results.

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